Watch strangeland online free 1998
Watch strangeland online free 1998

watch strangeland online free 1998

But alas, Carleton’s not dead, and what’s worse, the Christians drove over his medication, and it only takes him about 90 minutes without his pills to go totally whacko again (yeah, that part made no sense to me either). Thinking they’ve successfully hanged him (oh, the irony of this scene, incidentally - methinks Dee Snider has taken a lot of crap from Christian organizations in his time.), they head off into the night. He’s sentenced to a mental institution, and four years later, is released, “cured.” But his first night back home, a group of whackos from the “Christians Against Moral Decay” organization first kidnap and then lynch him. He’s sent to prison for a year while he stands trial, but is eventually found not guilty due to insanity. When one of the teenage girls has a heart attack from the stress of the pain, though, things start to get out of control, and Carleton is quickly found and arrested. They foolishly show up, and he ends up tying them up and then torturing them for days on end (Carleton believes that in order to be fulfilled, you have to experience pain through piercings, brandings, and some other extremely bizarre Saw-like torture devices - he’s not actually out to kill his victims, just to enlighten them). I know! I was surprised too! Dee plays a majorly-tattooed and seriously-pierced crazy guy named Carleton Hendricks who goes by the chat room handle of “Captain Howdy.” He sits around in the evenings chatting with teenage girls online and once he’s got them kind of suckered in, he invites them to a party at his house.


I mean, how am I expected NOT to watch a movie written by and starring the frontman of Twisted Sister, I ask you?Īs it turns out, this movie isn’t really all that bad. And yet, at the same time, it absolutely must be seen. But seriously, DEE SNIDER? Wrote and starred in a horror movie? That just can’t be good. I’ve heard about it several times over the years - it’s sort of a cult movie, I gather. Strangeland isn't a bad film, but considering the concept, it makes you wonder how much potential this flick really had.I fully, FULLY, expected this movie to totally suck. The film does possess something worth mentioning, Dee Snider as the villain. However, I still enjoyed the film, even though the plot was imperfect, and the cast were so-so.

watch strangeland online free 1998

If Dee Snider would have spent time rewriting a second draft, then maybe we would have had something very memorable on our hands. There are some very interesting ideas at work here, but the script clearly suffers from being underdeveloped. I was very much surprised and I really didn't think it was that bad. There's nothing truly remarkable about this one, except if you're looking for an underrated B movie, then check this film out. There's an inventive plot in its somewhat sketchy script, and it works well enough for its 90 minute run time.

watch strangeland online free 1998

Although not perfect, I felt that Strangeland wasn't as bad as what every critic has said. The film has a dark, moody, melancholic atmosphere which adds to the tone of story. In a way that's what makes him appealing. Snider's character is eccentric, bizarre and psychotic who says stuff that really doesn't make any sense. The acting is fairly decent, never anything good but definitely not as bad as what many critics have said. Although Snider's ideas are a bit rough, there are still plenty of good things going for the film. This is an underrated film that has a unique concept. Strangeland which is written by Heavy Metal musician Dee Snider of Twisted Sister fame.

Watch strangeland online free 1998